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The Mindset of Trading – Avoiding the Holy Grail System mentality

When I got involved in trading 20 years ago, I was convinced by many trading "gurus" that there are "Holy Grail" trading systems - i.e. ones that stand up to any market condition, and consistently generate profits through all sorts ...
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Why we don’t like Credit Spreads…

Credit spreads always sound super attractive... earn a consistent x% per week, month etc but what few realize is the risk levels associated with these trades. We've traded these before and the same thing happens... weeks go by with a ...
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Other Books to read

Other books to read ...
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Recommended Reading List

List of books to read ...
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The Goal of Trading with a Day Job

The idea of this website/service started with a challenge of wanting to participate in trading the market, but do so while having a "day job". You have likely arrived at this site because you believe that you can do better ...
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Using the General Market Direction Indicator

On the front of the site we have a published general market direction indicator. This can be used as a guide for general longer term trading strategies. For example a suggested strategy might be to exit your "long" mutual fund ...
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What kind of trader are you?

Trading has the allure of getting rich quick and draws many to the flame with false promises mainly because of mis information, false advertising and the playing on emotion. It is important to determine what your style of trading needs ...
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Risk Management 101

The cornerstone to any successful trading system is managing Risk. Simply put Risk is the amount that you are willing to lose on any given trade. It doesn't matter what promises any one makes to you about how successful their ...
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What to Trade

This steps into the domain of learning what to trade and how the system works ...
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